<p>Quincy refrigerated dryers play the important role of removing condensation from compressor systems. Without a dryer, moisture can accumulate in a compressor. With this moisture comes dirt and other particulate matter, which can cause oxidation and other types of premature wear on delicate compressor components. A refrigerated dryer eliminates the problem by cooling moisture in the air to approximately 37°F, where it condenses and can be removed from the compressor system by way of an automatic drain.</p>
<p>Quincy manufactures three main refrigerated dryer product lines: the QPNC non-cycling dryer, the QED cycling dryer, and the QRHT compact high temperature dryer.</p>
<p>The QPNC uses a two-stage heat exchanger configuration to deliver consistent performance when handling smaller, constant loads. Key features of the QPNC include an easy-to-use control panel that allows you to adjust the system for maximum efficiency with zero loss drains. Depending on their configuration, QPNC refrigerated dryers can provide a maximum 230 psig pressure at volumes between 10-3000 CFM.</p>